What is RICA????
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process through which men and women can look at their personal life experiences and hear the message of Christ. With the help of the Holy Spirit, they continue on their path of faith.
What is RCIC????
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Children (RCIC) is a process through which children who have not been baptized, or catechized (educated in the catholic faith) hear the message of Christ and enter into the Catholic Faith.
In parishes throughout the United States, Catholic faith communities are involved in beginning, maintaining, and revising the process by which adults become part of the Roman Catholic Church.
RCIA is NOT a series of classes or instructions experiences with the parish priest or Religious Education Director. Today, the entire parish is involved in the effort to bring faith seeking persons into the midst of the Catholic faith community. Some parishioners are more active in this effort than others, but we are all praying and witnesses to the constant faith development in those who are on the journey to become Catholic.
In this way the person entering the Catholic Church really experiences “church”, the people of God, and the parish community of St. Mary of the Hill Parish.
- Those coming from another tradition, who want to know more about the Catholic faith
- Those who have been baptized but not received the sacrament of confirmation
- Those who want to become Catholic by being fully received into the Church through the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation.
- Confirmed Catholics who are willing to sponsor an Inquirer and walk the faith journey with them.
The Process – Four stages
- Inquiry – is this for me? Attend regular meetings, pray, Sharing of faith journey stories and time is spent answering questions about all aspects of the faith.
- Catechumenate/Candidate – welcomed and joined by Church community, inquiries experience all aspects of church as community of the faithful; their spirit, creed, prayer and mission. They continue to grow and study the faith.
- Enlightenment/Purification – LENT- seek strength for the journey remove distractions and things that are harmful to relationship with God. Reflect on Lent Scripture observe traditional practices of fasting, prayer and works of Charity & Sacrifice and journey toward Easter. Comminuting with entrance into the Church at the Easter Vigil
- Mystagogy- This final stage takes place during the seven weeks of Easter. A time celebrate initiation, to discuss where to become involved in this faith community, and to reflect in depth about sacraments, Church and the gifts each one brings to the parish community. Mystagogia ends around Pentecost, but is the beginning of a new life in Christ.
Anyone who is seriously thinking about becoming a Catholic, or would simply like more information about the process can contact Tammy Streitmatter 262 628 3606×4