The Human Concern Committee fulfills the justice dimensions of scripture and Church Tradition, discerning needs of persons in the parish and wider community especially the poor. It identifies resources to meet those needs and enlist the active cooperation of parish members. The committees’ scope of responsibility is two fold: to meet immediate needs and to work for changes in the structures of society which are oppressive.
The Outreach Fund is one of the ways in which the Committee does this. The Parish sets an example of stewardship and tithing by setting aside a percentage of total receipts to be distributed to organizations outside the parish, which fulfill the humanitarian and justice dimensions of scripture and church tradition. Allocation of Outreach money is the task of the Committee. This money is separate from the Human Concerns budget.
Committee members are not responsible to actually do all the work, but rather to involve others in actively accepting the responsibility of their Baptism. It supports those in the Parish who are already involved in service, advocacy, justice education, and empowerment of people. This committee works with community groups and other parishes to help solve related problems. They keep parishioners aware of issues relating to justice, peace, hunger and the homeless on local, national, and international levels so that appropriate Christian action on such issues can be determined.
Parish Health Ministry
Faith and Recovery
This program is for those who live with depression or other mental or emotional illnesses, or everyday stress. This program also supports and welcomes family members or friends of those suffering from depression. The focus is now on mindfulness Meditation led by Larry Hopwood. Meeting at St. Mary of the Hill on the 2nd Wednesday of each month 7:00- 8:30pm
Contact the parish office with any questions, 262 628 3606 ext. 3
Martha and Mary Ministry
Jean Facette & Sandy Powell
262-670-1096 & 262-673-9598
This committee includes Bereavement, Hospitality, Body and Spirit
All Saints Meal Program
Bill & Nancy Preston
Prayer Shawls
Anyone can make them and then deliver them to the parish to be distributed to those in need.
Knitting & Crocheting for a Cause
Meets on Tuesday evenings at 6:30-8PM. For more information call Carla DalSantos 262-628-3606 ext. 6
Respect Life
The Respect Life Committee assists by helping to make the parish a center of life: a place where parishioners understand the issues and the importance of meeting the needs of those who are most vulnerable, especially mothers and their unborn children and those who are seriously ill or dying and their families. Respect Life Issues include abortion, assisted suicide, capital punishment, cloning, embryo research and euthanasia.
Coordinator Needed
Monthly Food Drive
Rita Pruski
Sunshine Ministry
Kathryn Bitner: 262-966-0055
Baby Collection
Mark Grosel: 262-227-8809
Winter Drive
Coordinator Needed
St.Vincent de Paul
St. Mary of the Hill together with St. Gabriel Parish are a SVDP conference whose members are known as Vincentians. All Catholics, as followers of Jesus, are called to respond in love to people in need. Some make this response as part of an organized effort to grow in their faith while giving witness to God’s love. This is the Society’s mission. A confidential visit made to the home of anyone seeking assistance is the basic manner of assessing the need and carrying out the mission. However, visitations also happen in hospitals, nursing homes, jails and prisons. To learn more, you’re welcome to come to a meeting the first and third Monday of each month, 6:30pm at St. Gabriel Parish.
Contact for more information: Barb Schultz – 262 670 8517